Thursday, January 9, 2014

Where Do the Big Bass Live?

I think I know what some of you may be thinking... "anywhere they want." All kidding aside, though, there are some factors that can help predict where you're more likely to find a trophy fish.

I think most people remember everywhere they've ever caught a big bass--I know I do. And I can assure you that Tom Acree (pictured in photo at right) remembers where he caught the 8-2 he's holding here. He caught this fish back on Aug. 13, 2012. As far as I know, it's the latest but surely won't be the last citation fish to be plucked from West Neck Creek.

Anytime I'm in the vicinity of a spot where I once caught a big bass, I always stop by to see if there's some truth to what I've always heard about big fish. They say that when you catch a big bass from a spot, another big one eventually will move in and take up residence in the same spot.

Perhaps that idea is only a myth--anyone's guess is as good as mine. I always just like to make at least a few casts to check things out for myself.

Out of respect for the real, honest-to-goodness experts on this subject matter, I'm attaching the Internet links to what some of them have to say. Here's hoping you find their comments helpful as you pursue those big 'uns.

I also found these underwater videos of bass that I thought I would share:

Here's hoping y'all find Bubba or one of his cousins this year. If you do, I ask only one thing: Make sure you take a photo and send me a copy of it, along with all the pertinent info, so I can post the whole story here on my blog. Good luck!

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