Tuesday, April 16, 2019

A Blog Reader Responds

My blog post the other day about the NOCO Genius Boost jump-starter elicited the following response from John Goodman (right):

"During the three years I've owned my Ranger boat, I've only had one instance where my motor failed to start. It scared the h-e-double hockey sticks out of me because I was probably 20-25 miles from the tournament launch site. The outside temps ranged in the upper 90s, and thunderstorms were in the immediate future. Of course, I had forgotten my cellphone, etc., so I was up a creek.

"I was lucky in that my Ranger has a switch that allows me to jump-start the engine (uses the power left in the battery and one of the trolling-motor batteries), and it performed as advertised. I was on my way before long.

"Contrary to what we have heard or read, boat manufacturers toss in their favorite starting and trolling-motor batteries when the boat is prepped for delivery. They aren't always the freshest, and some are clearly outdated when the boat sells. Shortly after that incident, I purchased a Sears PM1 starting battery (which they discontinued selling when they closed most of their stores) that was highly recommended by the Mercury expert on Bass Boat Central. It has started my boat without any problem ever since.

"A couple weeks ago, one of my trolling-motor batteries finally gave up the ghost, so I purchased two new ones from Tom at Motor Tech. The older I get, the more I worry about no-starts, etc.

"After reading your post regarding the NOCO Genius Boost, I decided to investigate the product. A couple hours of research on the Internet, reading everything I could comprehend, and I was ready to purchase three of the GB40s (an upgrade from the basic GB20). I like the additional power provided by them. One goes in the boat, one in my truck, and the third will go in my wife's Honda CRV. Up until now, we've always carried a bulkier jump-starter in each of our day-to-day vehicles, but I will feel much more prepared with the NOCO. Maybe the older I get, the more I like security."

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