Wednesday, March 27, 2013

When You Snooze, You Lose...

I proved that axiom last Saturday, and I proved it again today, too. Fortunately, there was one very slight difference today: I managed to put one dink in the boat, whereas I came up empty-handed Saturday.

I started fishing in Pocaty mid-morning, and it was there that I boated the lone bass on my pineapple-colored Footloose. Given the muddy water in Pocaty, I only spent about an hour there before running back to West Neck, where the water looked pretty decent. It was here that I repeated my "snoozing" problem of Saturday. Again, I mistook a hit for only being the top of a stump and had to sit and watch the tell-tale swirl in the water as the fish bid me adieu.

Then, about quitting time, I was fishing along about half-asleep yet one more time, when a fish smacked my firetiger-colored Bomber Square A and tried to yank the rod out of my hand. He hit so hard he momentarily hooked himself but dislodged the bait a couple seconds later and was gone. I'll never know what it was because I never saw a thing. The fish had some weight to him, though--of that I'm sure.

In a nutshell, that's the way my day on the water went today. I'm still looking for my first "good" day of the year. I just hope it happens sooner, rather than later. 

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