Saturday, March 30, 2013

At Long Last, a Light for the West Neck Marina Ramp

For all those of us who have skinned our shins, bruised our hands, and have uttered more than a few unprintable obscenities as the result of trying to launch our boats in the wee hours at West Neck Marina ramp, take heart. Those days should be a thing of the past--or, at least, greatly reduced--as the result of this 1,000-watt light, which I witnessed going into place today. And I've heard from Steve tonight that the light is completely installed and fully operational as I sit here at my keyboard, giving all of you the news.

From the reports I was getting from different fishermen who had been out on the water today, this light was the only "bright" spot in their whole day. I didn't talk to one angler who had put a fish in the boat. However, I did see some folks land a couple small ones while fishing from the bank. For the most part, the biggest point of discussion with those anglers I spoke to was the fact they found nothing but muddy water everywhere they went today. You'll see that for yourself if you check out the photo of the water-level gauge I posted a bit earlier.

This was the scene (see photo at left) that unfolded as I was making the rounds, talking to fishermen about where they had been and what kind of lures they had been using today. And before I left the premises this evening, Steve had broken out some tree-cutting and trimming gear, with a promise that we'll be seeing some changes.

I was led to believe that some trees will be taken down to the ground, while others just will get a "haircut." The gumball tree at right in this photo is one that's being taken down completely. That move will ensure nothing obstructs the new light from casting its giant beam out across the whole parking lot and ramp area.

Besides the activity surrounding the installation of this 1000-watt light, I saw electricians repairing other outdoor lights in the marina, too. From rigging our boats to launching them, and even to parking our vehicles, we should find much improved conditions. I look forward to seeing how everything looks next Saturday, April 6, when we launch our second event in the 2013 Dewey Mullins Memorial Bass Tourney Series. I hope you can join us.

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