Saturday, August 17, 2024

Today's Contest Was Anything But a Runaway Event...

I say that because only 2.5 pounds separated the total weight between first and fifth place among those 22 anglers in 14 boats who participated in the competition. These anglers accounted for 49 bass coming across the scales, with a combined total weight of 104.69 pounds and an average weight per fish of 2.13 pounds.

Here are those folks who took home a little extra cash in their pockets at the end of the day:

Leading the pack was the solo angler Mark Ingram (left), who weighed a five-fish limit of 14.65 pounds, anchored by a 5.03-pound bass. He also won the bigger of two side pots. Presenting his checks here is the tournament director, Wayne Hayes (right).

Claiming the 2nd place prize was the team of (from left) Richard Hall and David Dozier, who weighed a five-fish limit of 13.27 pounds. In addition to taking 2nd place, they also won the smaller of two side pots. They didn't weigh a big fish.

Finishing in 3rd place was the solo angler Bobby Moore (left), who weighed a five-fish limit of 13.13 pounds. His big fish weighed 4.41 pounds.

Winning big-fish honors today was the team of (from left) Don Carter and Rob Peppers, with a fish that tipped the scales at 6.07 pounds. Their total weight for a limit of five fish was 12.15 pounds.

Here is the finishing order for the remainder of the field:

The team of Craig Jones and Rob Chatham had a five-fish limit of 12.38 pounds. They didn't weigh a big fish.

The husband-wife team of Andy and Diana Morath had a five-fish limit weighing 10.19 pounds. Their big fish weighed 4.5 pounds.

The team of Dave Anderson (left) and Gary Coderre had a five-fish limit weighing 8.81 pounds, but they didn't have a big fish. Dave also was the recipient of a plaque, noting that he is the latest recipient of a welcome to the "I survived my North Landing plunge" club, which he earned during our last tournament by virtue of falling overboard during weigh-in.

The team of Wayne Hayes and Ken Testorff had a five-fish limit weighing 7.51 pounds. They didn't weigh a big fish.

The team of Jim Crist and Eric Killian had a five-fish limit weighing 7.17 pounds. They didn't weigh a big fish.

The team of Jim Leavis and Chris Vitovich had four fish weighing 5.43 pounds. They didn't weigh a big fish.

Solo anglers Gabe Himmelwright, Bob Clarkson, Chris Fretard, and James Brandy didn't weigh any fish.

Five more anglers qualified today for participation in our season-ending Classic tournament in October. They included Rob Chatham, Craig Jones, Don Carter, Bob Clarkson, and Chris Fretard.

Congratulations to all the winners in today's competition, and thanks to everyone who showed up to participate.

For planning purposes, our next tournament is scheduled for a week from today, on Saturday, Aug. 24. For the benefit of all our regulars, be watching your email later this week for details. Everyone else should keep an eye on my blog for an announcement.

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