Sunday, April 19, 2020

Bass Pro Gears Up for a New Kind of Battle

Photo by Shimano

As reported by BassFan Friday, April 17, Aaron Martens is back home in Leeds, Ala., after undergoing an operation to remove one of two lesions from his brain.

The other one is located in a less accessible area, and so doctors and family await the outcome of pathology tests.

Because of the seizure medication Martens is taking, he's not allowed to drive a vehicle, but his boat is a different matter. He's been out fishing a couple of times with two-time Bassmaster High School national champion Tucker Smith and Robbey Stanford, who is Smith's uncle. Tucker attends Briarwood Christian School in Birmingham with Martens' daughter, Jordan.

Unfortunately, though, doctors have put the kibosh on Aaron's workout routine, which annoys him, because he was closing in on hitting his goal of running 30 miles and doing 1,000 push-ups a week. "I feel good physically," said Martens, who long has been an avid hiker and runner.

The April 4 seizures which sent Martens to the hospital in the first place continued after he arrived there. And two days later, doctors operated to remove the one lesion. "They went in and opened up my skull," he said. Until last Thursday, he had about 30 staples in there, creating what he described as "a zipper on the front of my head." Those now have been removed.

The three-time Bassmaster Angler of the Year expressed his gratitude for all of the the well wishes and support he's received over the past two weeks. "It was an humbling experience to know that many people were thinking about you," he said. "I can't believe the number who messaged me and have been praying for me."

For now, the wait for a definitive diagnosis continues, but Martens said he's ready for whatever is in store. "I'm just trying to stay active," he said. "I'm not going to let it knock me down. Sounds like no matter what route we're going to take, I'll be getting chemo or radiation. We'll see how strong I am."

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