Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Bump Here, a Scrape There...

That's what I experienced throughout my time on the water today. I expected it, though, because the water level was at 2.6 feet when I pulled away from the ramp this morning at 7:15, and it had fallen to 2.2 feet by the time I returned at 3:15.

This was the first time in a very long while that I've been on the water when it was this low, and I had forgotten what West Neck Creek looks like under these conditions. If it gets any worse (and it probably will, if the forecast is right), there's a high likelihood this Saturday's scheduled tourney may not happen, but there will be no official call on that until Saturday morning.

Despite the skinny water, I managed to boat a half-dozen bass and one white perch. The bass in this picture was my fourth fish of the day and tipped the scales at 4 lbs. 1 oz. It and the other five, as well as the white perch, all hit my Bandit Footloose.

Once I set the hook on this fish, she made two fantastic leaps but stayed buttoned until I slipped the net under her. At that point, the lone hook in her lower jaw fell out--guess my luck isn't quite as bad as I sometimes make it out to be.

One of the other bass weighed 1 lb. 7 ozs., but  the rest fell in the 10-to-12-inch range. I also missed four or five strikes today by not being able to distinguish between a strike and bumping a submerged stump with the bait. And, too, I was just a little slow in pulling the trigger a couple of times.

I forgot to check the water temp when I came in this afternoon, but at 7:15 this morning, it was only 61.8 degrees.

I saw Mark London on the water this afternoon, and we chatted briefly as he was heading up the creek to fish, but I haven't heard how he did. If I do later, I'll add an update to this post with his results.

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