Friday, December 28, 2012

Hook, Line & Sinker...

For good reason, I've learned to have a lot of faith in Charlie Bruggemann's ability to catch bass under a lot of different conditions. So when I received his email report a little bit ago, telling me he only could muster one bass today, I couldn't help wondering what had gone wrong.

Godfrey Creek--his destination today--was muddy for the most part, and the water temp ranged from 41 to 46 degrees. There was clear water at the end of all three forks in the creek, but as you passed the mud line, the temperature dropped from 46 in the mud to 41 in the clear zone. Charlie never felt the first tap all day in the clear water, and it wasn't until about 10 minutes before he quit that he caught a 1-4 bass in a deeper hole near the creek's mouth.

I decided to do a little online research and found these two websites that may prove helpful the next time we find ourselves fishing cold, muddy water: and

After all, our fishing trips are supposed to be a learning experience for the next time, or so I've always thought.

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