Saturday, December 9, 2023

If All Else Fails, Go Old School on Tough Winter Fishing

If you don't think we're living in a world where more is always better, just take a look at all the current technology that goes into the bass boats of today. While you're at it, make sure you take a good look at the price tags on 'em, too. I warn you in advance, though: That sticker shock may be more than your ticker can stand.

It's nothing short of amazing when you consider the considerable forward progress of the bass-fishing industry. Despite all this progress, however, there still are times when it pays to keep things simple...old school, if you will. Winter is one of those times when old school can spell a world of difference in your fishing success.

As Wired2Fish writer Walker Smith explained, "It's pretty frustrating to me when I think of how few anglers actually use monofilament fishing line these days. When I was learning to bass fish, that's all we had, and I didn't know the difference. But these days, with all the new line types on the market (and they all have a place, might I add), don't overlook some good ol' monofilament the next time you're winter bass fishing with reaction baits.

"When I refer to reaction baits, I'm not necessarily talking about soft plastics and other bottom-contact offerings. Instead, I'm referring to flat-sided crankbaits, small jerkbaits, lipless crankbaits, and things of that nature. Essentially, I guess I'm talking about anything with treble hooks."

Smith strongly recommends using some type of monofilament with reaction baits because it has more stretch.

"And, yes," he said, I know we've had it pounded into our brains in recent years that stretch is a bad characteristic for fishing line. However, I absolutely beg to differ, especially in the winter months. There are two main reasons for my theory on this.

"First of all, winter bass rarely will inhale your treble-hooked reaction baits. Their metabolism is slow right now, so they're not going to go crazy and chase your bait down and try to swallow it whole. Maybe this will happen every now and again, but it's certainly not the norm. This lethargic behavior underlines the importance of the added stretch that monofilament line offers. The aforementioned stretch creates a very small but important delay between the time the bass eats your reaction bait and the time you detect said bite and set the hook. Although it may be a split-second delay, this can make an incredible difference for your hookup ratio.

"My second reason for this theory closely coincides with what we just discussed. That slight delay between the actual bite and angler detection is magnified this time of year because the mouth of a bass is very hard and tough in cold water. I don't know if you've ever paid attention to it, but the next time you catch a cold-water bass, feel the skin around its mouth and compare it to the skin of a warm-water bass. These winter bass have very firm mouths, which make it much more difficult for a thin-wire treble hook to penetrate. This, of course, results in a worse hookup ratio. That small amount of stretch that monofilament offers, however, allows the bass to 'get' the bait a lot better, which also helps the angler execute a more solid hookset."

Smith also feels that choosing the right fishing-reel gear ratio is important for many reasons.

"The current trend among manufacturers," he said, "seems to be all about high-speed reels. This is a great option most of the year, but using a low gear-ratio bass-fishing reel can pay enormous dividends for bass anglers throughout the winter months.

"Just as we discussed the bass being lethargic and lazy this time of year," he continued, "their prey is acting the exact same way. Shad and other types of baitfish aren't scooting around and acting a fool right now; they're just like us these days. It's cold and nasty outside, so we tend to move a little slower. The baitfish are doing the exact same thing.

"To mimic this natural lazy behavior of their prey, I strongly suggest using a low-gear-ratio reel, ranging from 5.1:1 to 5.4:1. To best understand what this means, the spool of a reel with a gear ratio of 5.1:1 is going to spin 5.1 times with each handle turn. Compared to most reels on the market these days, that's a much slower retrieve, which perfectly fits the underwater behavior of all winter-time fish."

For Smith, flat-sided crankbaits are a great way to catch cold-water bass, and these low-gear-ratio reels are the way to go with this technique.

"I like to feel every single wobble throughout the retrieve," he said. "I almost want it to move as slowly as a Texas-rigged worm this time of year. So although speed is a big marketing deal right now, don't you dare toss or sell those lower-gear-ratio reels."

Smith also warns against getting too dependent on your electronics in tough fishing conditions.

"I can't tell you how many times I've had a tough day of winter bass fishing and leaned on my electronics way too hard for the rest of the day," he said. "I'll start getting spun out, and before I know it, I've spent 45 minutes on my electronics, without making a single cast. If I stare at a screen for 45 minutes without actually fishing, that's about 90 casts...and 90 opportunities I've missed to catch a bass."

Smith believes that the "pinging" of a transducer absolutely can spook fish in shallow water.

"I've gone down shallow banks a lot of times with my electronics on and not had a single bite throughout the best stretch," he explained. "My gut would tell me there still were fish in this area, though, so I'd circle back around and fish the same stretch again...with my electronics turned off. Sure enough, I would catch fish on that second pass. So whenever I start struggling with getting a bite in winter, one of the first things I do is shut off my electronics. Whether it's a mental thing to avoid wasting a bunch of time staring at a screen, or it's a noise deal with my transducers...I totally believe it helps."

In conclusion, Smith said, "Next time you start struggling to catch winter bass, don't get spun out and start trying a bunch of crazy stuff. Instead, take a deep breath and go a little old school on 'em. Keeping it simple can make all the difference in the world for a bass angler."

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