Sunday, April 23, 2023

Ryan Appears To Have 'Em Dialed In

A large part of his fishing day was beset with the annual, annoying antics of...yep, you guessed it...carp and gar. They literally were everywhere, doing all that loud thrashing and crashing. Makes it all that much harder for a dedicated bassin' man to even remember why he went to the water in the first place, much less concentrate on what he's supposed to be doing.

That commotion, however, wasn't enough to deter Ryan Land from his self-appointed job of catching some bass. Just like the nation's postal carriers everywhere, he's dedicated to completing the mission, regardless of what it takes.

That personal drive stayed with him throughout the day, and it paid off handsomely, with only two hours left in the fishing day. He found his way into a canal where the bass were "turned on" and quickly made up for all the earlier lost time. His fortunes began with landing one weighing 3.73, followed by one that went 3.45 on his scales. Then came a 2.50, a 1.88, and a 1.91, for a bag that tipped the scales at 13.47 lbs. He also caught five others, none of which were under 12 inches.

This much can be said of Ryan's day on the water: Persistence does have its rewards. In his own words, "A terrible day was turned wonderful."

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