Saturday, December 7, 2013

What's the Deal With "In-Fisherman" Magazine?

That's a question I've been asking myself for the past two weeks--ever since I first emailed the magazine and asked permission to reprint an article from their archives. I've been in the magazine and newspaper business for 50 years now, and this is the first time in all those years I've ever encountered this particular problem: a failure to answer such a routine question.

I can't begin to tell you how many times in all my working years I was on the asking or granting end of the same question, and never once did I stonewall someone or get stonewalled myself. For example, I remember an occasion when I went to the Austin American-Statesman newspaper in the Texas capital with a request to reprint a huge article of national interest at the time--so huge that I had to ask their permission to run it in six parts in my magazine. Within 72 hours, I had their OK to reprint the article in its entirety, in six parts, with full attribution of course, and all I had to do in exchange was to provide them a copy of each issue of my magazine that contained a part of the story.

That's the way this process is supposed to work. But in the case of In-Fisherman, it's as though I had asked for permission to reprint a Pulitzer prize-winner, or perhaps they're a lot busier than I've ever found any other newspaper or magazine office. After two emails and a voicemail I left for In-Fisherman's senior editor, whose byline appears on the article in question, I still don't have an answer to my question.

I haven't given up hope yet, though. Two days ago, I received an acknowledgement from a representative of the magazine's customer-service department, who apologized for the inconvenience I've been experiencing and said she was forwarding my inquiry to "the home office to review."

I can't help wondering if perhaps this all would have been a non-issue if the Lindners still owned the In-Fisherman company. However, they sold it to Primedia Broadcasting in 1998, and therein may lie an explanation for my current predicament. I'll get over it, though--in about the same time it takes me to fall asleep after a long day on the water. Just needed to vent a little.

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