Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Two Days of Prefishing Highlights Some New Stuff and Reaffirms Some Old Things, Too

With another tournament scheduled this coming Saturday, Wayne and I came up with a plan to prefish Monday and today, in hopes we would end up with a decent game plan for our weekend event. 

Turns out we were not the only ones with that idea...on Monday, at least. We hadn't even gotten away from the Pungo Ferry dock the first morning when Gary and Dave showed up and launched right behind us.

Don't know how our friends' day went Monday, but we managed to find something like about 10 or 12 keeper fish, including the 5-3 bass (pictured here) that my partner caught...from the identical spot, I might add, where I once watched someone else pull another big bass.

While Wayne was busy boating nearly every bass that bit Monday, I caught a couple early but then missed several good strikes, as a result of a combination of errors on my part...nothing new there, though.

Today's trip proved to be tougher than yesterday's. In 5.5 hours of fishing, we managed only to boat four keeper bass...also lost one after he was hooked and had some short strikes. Could today's stronger winds have played a part in today's results? Maybe, but there's no way to know for sure. It's fairly certain, however, that the wind had a hand in causing the water we were fishing to be off-colored.

In the final analysis, we now have a game plan for Saturday, and that's all that really matters.

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