Saturday, August 6, 2022

Region 7 Anglers Take Kids Fishing

Northwest River Park was the site this morning for another kids' day event, co-sponsored by Region 7 and Chesapeake Parks and Recreation officials. Approximately 20 or 25 youngsters and their parents were on hand to see what was bitin'.

Turns out that, given these dog days of summer we find ourselves in at the moment, coupled with low-water conditions, about the only things willing to give the youngsters a tug on their lines were some bluegills and turtles.

There never was any doubt about when some lucky youngster had hooked one because he or she nearly always erupted with a jubilant "I got one!" Immediately following that proclamation, you would hear a collective "oh! oh! oh!" from everyone around Lake Lesa Miles, so named for a "devoted friend of Northwest River Park and the City of Chesapeake."

Fortunately, the morning started with a bit of a breeze...enough, anyway, to make the event pleasant in the beginning for guests and Region 7 volunteers, alike. As the morning wore on, however, and the thermometer started climbing, the subsequent predictable downturn in the youngsters' enthusiasm started occurring.

If their body language wasn't enough of a telltale signal, their comments, some of which I happened to overhear as I walked around snapping some photos, certainly were. It's no secret among parents that most young children usually have the attention span of, as I used to hear my folks describe it, "a bunny's tail."

That was true 70-plus years ago when I was a kid, as well as today...especially today, when there are so many more things to distract kids. After all, how many young folks do you know today who still play "hide 'n' seek," like I and others in my age bracket did as a youngster? I'd bet you that, for the most part, you would get only a "deer in the headlights" look if you even asked a child today just to define "hide 'n' seek." Ask them to tell you about the latest computer game available or everything the new cellphones have to offer, though, and they'll tell you in great detail.

In any event, all the kids left today's event at Northwest River Park with a smile on their face, which always is a sure sign that they had a good time. Everyone involved in today's festivities deserves a pat on the back for a job well done.

Following are additional photos of the youth, their parents, and volunteers (see last photo below) responsible for today's successful venture. Hope you enjoy.

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