Sunday, August 25, 2019

Simple Change, Big Difference

You know the old commercial that goes, "When E. F. Hutton talks, people listen?" Well, here's a modified rendition of that saying: "When his old-time customers complain about their boats' performance, Wayne listens." And then he does something about it.

After listening to both Skip and me describe some problems we've been having, Wayne knew exactly what needed to be done. Turns out, the fix for both of us was the same: a modification of the pitch in our props.

Can't speak for Skip, but I never would have believed such a simple change could make so much difference.

Got my first taste of that difference this past Friday, when Wayne installed the modified prop. A half-hour or so of running time later is all it took to convince me that my problems were solved. So I've heard, it was pretty much the same way with Skip, too.

If I had any lingering doubts (and I really didn't), they were all put to rest during yesterday's tournament. I had to keep reminding myself that I was out to fish, not to joy ride in the boat.

Between the much improved hole shot and increased rpm's and top-end speed, I felt like a kid who had been handed a new toy. Just couldn't get enough of it. Really hated to come off step before making that trek up the channel for weigh-in, which ended my day on the water. At least, I have next time to which you can bet I'll be looking forward.

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