Sunday, June 16, 2019

Learning to Make Do With Less Tackle

That was my new goal, starting with yesterday's tournament.

For longer than I can remember, I've been carrying a couple of big, fully loaded tackle bags on every fishing trip, even though I knew it was unlikely I ever would use more than a dozen or so of the items on any given occasion. To give you some idea of just how heavy these bags are, I've had a number of fellow anglers often ask me...jokingly, of course..."What ya carryin' in this thing--a dead body?" Let's just say I had reached my limit trying to load and unload these bags from my boat at the end of a long fishing day.

After totally reorganizing one of those bags earlier this week, I happened to glance around and spotted a small two-sided hard case (similar to the one in the accompanying photo) that I realized was exactly what I really needed. I subsequently loaded a few items I always use, along with a few that I figured I might use, and now I have a box I can lift in and out of my boat with one finger, instead of both hands and then worrying that I might suffer a hernia.

I can't tell you what a joy it was to unload that little, light-weight tackle box Saturday after an 8-hour tournament. And you know what else? I never once missed any of the tackle I didn't have with me.

Now I will just check my two heavy bags before each trip, with an eye toward maybe replacing or adding a few items in the small box as needed. It still has some empty sections, and I plan to keep it that way. From this point forward, light is right.

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