Sunday, March 24, 2019

Frosty and Foggy, With an Air Temp of 32 Degrees...

In other words, it wasn't the kind of morning to be boarding your boat by stepping on the gunwale. Nevertheless, those were the conditions that greeted the 14 anglers in 10 boats this morning as they launched at Pungo Ferry for the second tournament of the 2019 season. The sun eventually would burn off all the nasty stuff, and by weigh-in at 3 p.m., you could say it was downright nice, except for a nip in the air from the breeze that had built throughout the afternoon.

The final tally for these anglers was 26 bass, for a combined total weight of 43.15 lbs. and an average weight of 1.65 lbs.

Winners on the day were as follows:

In 1st place, with five bass, for a total weight of 10.47 lbs., and a 3.76-lb. tournament lunker, was Zack Rhodes.

In 2nd place, with five bass, for a total weight of 9.35 lbs., and a big fish weighing 2.92 lbs., was Gary Coderre.

The mystery-weight award went to the team of Steve Bailey and Bobby Moore (not pictured), who had two fish for a total weight of 2.76 lbs., which was closest to the weight drawn: 3.10 lbs. They didn't weigh a big fish.

Here is how everyone else finished the competition today:

     * Rob Peppers, five fish, total weight 8.11 lbs., no big fish.
     * The team of Mike Miller and Chris Fretard, five fish, total weight 7.09 lbs., no big fish.
     * The team of Andy Morath and Zach Bubier, three fish, total weight 4.23 lbs., no big fish.
     * The team of Dave Anderson and Ken Testorff, one fish, total weight 1.14 lbs., no big fish.
     * Red Bruun, Skip Schaible, and Eddie Sapp didn't weigh a fish.

Congrats to all of the winners, and thanks to everyone who came out to participate. My appreciation, too, goes to those who helped me take care of the weigh-in. For planning purposes, our next tournament is scheduled for Saturday, April 13. We will launch at safe light (about 6:30 a.m.) and weigh in at 2:30 p.m. I hope you can join us.

One Last Cast

Until today, I had been able to find a few fish each time I hit the water this season. That has all come to a crashing halt, however. I threw several different baits today, without ever having a single bite that I could confirm. There was one moment when I felt a tick in my line while tossing a crankbait, followed by some sudden line movement, but by the time I realized what was happening, I had squandered my one and only chance of the day to end up on the scoreboard.

The one constant theme throughout today for my partner and me was stained and sometimes muddy water. I felt certain early on that we eventually would find some clear water, but that was a mistaken notion on my part.I kept chunkin' and windin' all day, but it was for naught. As I learned at weigh-in, I had plenty of company. Unfortunately, I don't find that fact very gratifying.

Therefore, I remain committed to redoubling my efforts the next time out to see what I can do about putting at least one fish in the boat. Skunks just aren't much fun.

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