Monday, November 26, 2018

Up, Up and Away

That 1967 tune had nothing to do with birds, but kayaker Ron's fishing report from last night did. If you read his report (as published in the post preceding this one), you know that the biggest thing he caught last evening was the seagull you see in the accompanying photo.

Unusual? Well, not exactly. A lot of fishermen have had some interaction with birds, especially when they're using topwater baits. If you don't believe me, just check out the Internet--in particular, some of the online fishing forums. A pesky bird has caused me to lay my rod down more than once, while waiting for the bird to take a hike.

Becoming entangled in fishing line can lead to injuries and perhaps death for a bird if the line gets wrapped around its legs, bill or wings. Even if the entanglement isn't tight enough to be fatal, it's still a serious and permanent impediment that can hinder a bird's ability to hunt, forage and fly.

For nesting birds, this can have disastrous effects for their chicks. When a chick's parent is trapped or killed by fishing line, the chick often dies of starvation because their parent no longer can provide food. Or, if the parent returns to the chick trailing fishing line, the chick could become entangled, too.

Precautionary Measures You Can Take. The best way to help the birds is to prevent these dangerous situations from happening. Always dispose of your fishing line properly. Many boat ramps, fishing piers, and beaches have receptacles for monofilament recycling, so make sure you locate one of them before you begin fishing. Place all braided line in the trash.

To be extra scrupulous, cut your line into short pieces before throwing it away or recycling it. Then, if it gets loose, it will pose less of an entanglement threat to birds in the area.

If You Catch a Bird. If you happen to catch a bird while fishing, it's important that you do not cut the line. Doing so might seem easiest in the short term, but the remaining line tangled around the bird could catch on something else and affect the bird's movement.

Start by gently reeling in the bird. Once you have it within reach, secure it with your hands or a towel by holding it firmly. To keep the bird calm, remember to cover its head. If you are helping a long-billed bird, such as a pelican or egret, be sure to control the bill first. Then fold the wings up naturally, without wrenching the bird's joints.

Pelicans are one of the more commonly caught birds, and though they may look large and imposing, they only weigh 8 to 10 pounds and cannot bite hard. The small hook at the end of their bill can scratch you but does not pose a serious threat. Always be gentle, and remember to protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses or other eyewear.

After the bird is secured, determine whether or not it is hooked. If it is, push the barb through, cut the barb off, and carefully back the hook out, If the bird is not hooked, simply untangle it and remove the line. Look closely to find all line, as it can easily disappear under feathers.

Assess the Damage. When the bird is free of all hooks and fishing line, make note of the bird's condition. If it isn't injured, you can release it. However, if you're unsure of the bird's condition, or if there are injuries, call a licensed bird rehabilitator, who will treat these injuries until the bird is in releasable condition.

Prevent Fishing Line Fatalities. Fishing line is a serious problem for coastal birds, but following these steps will minimize the effects. As with any situation, though, it's best to stop the problem before it starts. If a bird starts to dive on your bait while you're fishing, stop and/or move to another spot. And next time you're on or around the water, be on the lookout for improperly discarded fishing line. Who knows? With every piece you pick up, you could be saving a bird's life.

Most of the "how to" information for this article came from Audubon North Carolina.

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