Sunday, July 9, 2017

Food for a Fisherman's Thoughts

Last year, a friend shared a bait with me that turned around all my struggling ways on the water. All he asked in return was that I not divulge what that bait was. For a year now, I've been silent about what has come to be known as my INT bait, and that will continue to my dying day. Here's why.

Growing up as a boy, I, like my father before me, never had a lot of material wealth. However, I was rich in other ways, one of which was having a mother and father who genuinely cared that I grow up with a set of morals that would withstand the test of time. On many occasions during my childhood, I would hear my dad say, "A man's word is his bond," and I've made a concerted effort to live my whole life by the same standard. So when someone asks me (or I know enough, by virtue of the subject matter involved) to keep my mouth shut, I do it.

It thus should come as no surprise why I would want to share the following philosophy, which simply fell into my lap. According to the fisherman who authored this piece, "There are three things in this world that can wreck a friendship like nothing else: money, women and fishing holes. The first two are easy to understand, so let's concentrate on the latter."

Sharing a fishing hole is a sacred bond. OK, maybe not a "secret bond," but sharing a spot can be kind of a big deal, and if you don't handle the gift with respect, you could put a damper on your friendship. An avid angler will only share one of his favorite spots with someone he trusts. When someone shares a fishing hole with you, you must understand that you have been entrusted with a secret that was meant only for you (unless otherwise stated). Your friend trusted you enough to share a personal secret with you. Treat the spot with respect.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you. You've been given a great gift. Don't blow your gift up by sharing it with others. When someone puts you on fish, you keep that secret to yourself. I don't care if your brother needs fish today, if all you have is what your friend gave you, you don't kiss and tell. Keep your gifts under your hat. You were given a spot by a friend, and you need to protect that spot as if it was your younger sister at prom, and every guy you know is trying to take advantage of her. Lie if you have to. I don't care what boat ramp "they" said they saw your truck at, you weren't there, and you don't know what they were talking about.

Don't burn your gift. If a buddy puts you on fish, and you visit the spot and do well, don't burn it by hooking every fish there. Don't go back to the spot the next day and sore lip every fish that is stupid enough to take your offering. Catch a few and move on. Studies show, and guides will tell you, that fish will shut down if they feel too pressured. Don't ruin a good thing by wearing it out.

Don't get possessive. The water doesn't belong to you or the guy that put you on that spot, but you didn't know about those fish until your buddy put you on them. So, don't freak out, and don't get possessive about a spot when you show up to it, and your buddy's buddy is there. They aren't your fish, and you have no right to complain if he shared that spot with someone else. For God's sake, don't idle your boat over to "him" and ask how he knew about those fish.

Return in kind. If you have a buddy who has ever done anything good for you on the water, make sure you return the favor. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Don't take from one hand and refuse to give from the other. That's a sure way of being left out in the future.

Don't ask, don't tell. One way to be put on the "that guy is not my friend" list is to ask other people where the fish are. Don't call people and tell them you're not catching anything and ask them if they can throw you a bone. If someone wants you to know where fish are, they'll tell you without your having to ask. If you do happen to get lucky and they happen to let you in on some info, don't ever tell another soul about it. If it ever gets back to the guy who gave you the info that you've been running your mouth, you can bet you won't be able to go back to that well for info again.

Follow the "Golden Rule." It comes down to a couple of simple rules: "Treat others as you would have them treat you," and "to whom much is given, much is required." If people go out of their way to help you, help them back, and don't burn them by giving away the secrets they give you. Also, know how to recognize when you've been given a gift, and don't be stingy with giving back. You'll have longer lasting friendships if you follow these simple rules.

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