I threw a chatterbait and spinnerbait, as well as an assortment of wakebaits and crankbaits, in various sizes, colors and running depths, but alas, my day for coming up empty was nigh at hand, and there seemingly was nothing I could do about it. To be honest, I never even saw a fish today.
In digging around the Internet this evening, I came across a fella who, in my opinion, puts situations like this in proper perspective. "It might sound strange," he said, "but I have come to believe that fishless days can actually be a good thing (well, once in a while, that is). And, I'll even take it a step further and add that, ultimately, I think they make us better anglers and deepen our appreciation of the sport."
However, I also found a fisherman who takes a considerably different viewpoint. Here's how he sees the situation: "There's a lot we can say to make ourselves feel better about a bad day on the water, but I don't like any of it. That thing about how it is just always great to be out there, I don't play that. No one will ever confuse me with one of those zen anglers who goes out on the water to enjoy the experience. When I get my butt kicked by the fish I get mad!--madder than a box of bull frogs... Then, I sit around moping and thinking about all the things I did wrong."
More than anything, I think my overriding feeling about being skunked is one of disappointment. I also work hard to do better the next time. In this case, that effort will translate into a trip to a different spot the next time I'm on the water. I certainly won't be spending another day in West Neck on my next outing. Had a note from my buddy, Charlie, when I got home, saying he had had a little luck down south today, so perhaps I'll check out the creek where he caught his fish.
Saw some friends on the water today but didn't get up with any of them at the dock this afternoon, so don't have any more reports to share--sorry. Till next time, Tight Lines!
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