Monday, June 2, 2014

I Have To Say It Again: Chris Vitovich Really Knows How To Throw a Party...

Especially when it's his annual event to raise money for the American Cancer Society in honor of his late friend and best fishin' buddy of all time, Steve Gambill.

I've taken pictures for the last two Cancer Classics. And I'm here to tell you that, if participation is any indication of an event's success, there has been no letdown in Steve and his staff's drive, nor the number of people who show up to help them achieve their goal.

I can't speak for anyone else, but in an era when I get totally frustrated at the dysfunctional body we know as the U.S. Congress, it's refreshing to see a group of people who consistently demonstrate that they unquestionably have their act together. I, for one, salute all those who, year after year, throw their heart and soul, as well as their wallets, into making the Annual Cancer Classic such a resounding success.

With that introduction, I'm not going to bore you with a lot more rhetoric. Instead, I'll present the story of the 13th Annual Cancer Classic in a series of photos I took today, along with a bare minimum of caption material.

There, of course, was the fishing to start the day.

Then came the weigh-in.

Now it was time to "chow down" at the picnic.

What's a party without some music?
...or some games?
How about this "uninvited guest" with a hapless catfish locked in its now-dead jaws?
Despite the abundant muddy water, I was able to photograph these carefree little minnows.
Check out these Classic cars in attendance today.

Here's Chris with all the winning anglers today.
The traditional finale, of course, is the raffle drawing.

And last but certainly not least, folks, guess what--Chris says you're all invited back next year for more of the same.

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