Sunday, June 1, 2014

"Hit the Road, Jack, And Don't You Come Back No More"

There's at least one man tonight probably wondering why someone would swamp his rented johnboat, causing him to fall overboard, then just keep on going, rather than come back to help him. Yet, that's exactly what happened earlier today in West Neck Creek. I heard the culprits even had the audacity to raise a beer salute to the victim as they sped away.

I don't have any names here and wouldn't use them if I did, because names are unimportant. Instead, it's the reckless disregard for someone's life that's important.

According to my reporting source, the victim was a rather large gent who, unfortunately, had neglected to don his lifevest before leaving the dock. He also hadn't attached the outboard motor's kill-switch lanyard, which, as I understand it, led to an injury from the motor's prop, which still was turning when help eventually arrived. That help, incidentally, was in the form of the occupants of a nearby pontoon boat. They luckily saw the events unfold before their very eyes.

My reporting source said the culprits in this case were four young lads in a ski boat who were running too fast and passed too closely to the victim's johnboat. Efforts to locate the ski boat today were in vain, but a report was filed with both the police and marine police. It's my understanding there's a pretty good description in that report of the ski boat, and I've been assured there'll be lots of eyes watching for this craft.

If the young men involved in this incident happen to read this blog post, I would suggest that you find a new "playground," because you've worn out your welcome where you were today. And, if you don't understand that wording, I'll give it to you one other way that maybe you will understand: JACKASSES AREN'T WELCOME AROUND HERE!!!

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