Friday, November 4, 2022

Spring-Like Day Yields a Few Fish

After listening to yesterday's weather forecast for today, I had decided to get up at a decent hour, grab breakfast, and head to West Neck for a day on the water. It was almost 9:30 before I launched, but even at that later-than-usual hour, I still was the first boat to launch from West Neck. One other launched just behind me, though.

Had four baits tied on when I left the dock this morning and ended up fishing three of them during the course of the five hours I was out. Had a collective total of eight hits on the three baits I used, which resulted in five fish in the boat, including a white perch and four bass, three of which were keepers. The biggest, however, only weighed 1-13.

Best of all the baits I used today was a crankbait--the same one that did absolutely squat for me the whole month of October. Couldn't buy a strike with it then.

Oh well, at least there's a little action now, and I'll gladly take it. Even saw fish movement throughout the day...but still no signs of baitfish. Fished both north and south of the bridge in West Neck.

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