Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Only Good Snake Is a Dead One...Regardless of Specie or Size

That's my philosophy, and I reserve the right to it, despite those who would disagree with me.

The truth of the matter is that I've had many frogs and lizards in my boat-storage shed at West Neck Marina over the years, and that's OK. However, I have no use for mice or snakes that decide to take up residence there.

Ridding my problem with mice was as easy as leaving lights on 24-7. Suffice it to say both snakes that I've seen in the shed's confines sealed their destiny (crushing blows) just by showing up where I was. There simply is no space big enough to house a snake and me at the same time.

My most recent encounter with the latter occurred just yesterday, as I was putting my boat back in the shed after a visit with my mechanic. I was walking by the boat after parking it when I spotted a slight movement on the ground that I at first mistook for a lizard. Upon closer look, I saw that it was a small snake. In all of about 10 or 15 seconds, the time it took me to walk to the other side of the boat and pick up a piece of 2-by-4, the snake realized its final destiny.

On one occasion this past summer, Dave and I both had to do battle with a big snake that seemed determined to come aboard his boat. It took several thumps on his noggin with our rods for the snake to figure out he wasn't welcome.

As I locked up my boat shed yesterday, I made a mental note to be more aware of all my surroundings the next time I'm getting the boat out and/or putting it away. Never have liked being startled by something or someone.

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