Thursday, March 6, 2014

How Low Can She (The River, Not a Limbo Dancer) Go?

That's the question I have, as I look at this photo from Skip that I received a bit earlier today.

Here's another view. I think this is the shoreline around to the left of the launch ramp as you face it.

And finally, there's this shot, looking out across the flat toward the main part of the creek.

As bad as this is, I have to wonder how much worse it will look if those forecasted northeast and north winds of 20 to 30, with higher gusts, continue as long as the weatherman last night said they will.

Incidentally, for the benefit of those who haven't already noticed, the promised new water-level gauge up by the marina store is now in place. The first photo of it (that I took yesterday) is along the right-hand side of my blog's homepage now. The credit for installation belongs to Steve, so you might say "thanks" the next time you see him.

1 comment:

  1. That's the first time I've ever seen the end of the ramp.
