In any event, stumbled across a rig that fellas out on the West Coast have been using...and winning a lot of money with, too...for a long time. It's called the Hover Rig.
At long last, however, the cat is out of the bag on this old Western tournament technique. The key to the spiral bait is the "death spiral." Learning to adjust each bait to get a wide death spiral will allow fish more time to approach the bait before it hits bottom. According to the fellas at Tactical Bassin', as well as countless other anglers from out West, this technique really works.
Rather than my sitting here and trying to explain it so that you understand how it works, Tactical Bassin' has a video that provides all the details you'll need to try out the Hover Rig for yourself. All you have to do is click on the following link:, then sit back and enjoy.
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