Monday, September 13, 2021

Some Fishermen Help(?) a Young Lad Understand Women

Was reading some old forums last evening when I happened across one that piqued my interest. It started with an entry from a young lad who wanted just one thing: to go fishin'. Here's what he had to say:

"Today sucked for me.

"I woke up excited 'cuz my mom had said she would take me to the local park for some fishin'. I could hardly wait.

"I packed up all my gear, loaded it into the car, and after a quick lunch, we headed down the road to the park.

"When we got there, though, don't you know it was closed, so we turned right around and went all the way back home. I was very disappointed.

"Later, I learned that my mom and sister were going to the mall. I decided I wanted to go, too, so I could pick up a few DT-10s at Dick's Sporting Goods.

"My sister needed to get a formal dress for her senior flute recital, and I figured that couldn't possibly be too bad. But don't you know it took her four hours to finally settle on a dress. She was getting so stressed about each little thing and was being a real b**** to my mom, who also was getting stressed. Everything was just wrong.

"Four hours later, when I finally got to Dick's, I rushed to the Rapala the DT section...only to find they didn't even have the colors I was looking for. As of that moment, my whole day had been ruined. Having suffered through that scene at the dress shop hadn't even paid off. Sure hope you guys had a better day than me."

One of the first respondents answered like this:

"If you think waiting on a woman is bad now, you are in for a real surprise later on. I deserve the French Medal of Honor or something as there are six...count 'em, six women at my house (not counting visitors) just one male--me. Aargh!!! One day you will understand... . Just trying to point out that it can always be worse. Don't sweat the small stuff. Instead, just sit back and girl watch for four hours."

Another fella wrote:

"That does suck, man. Better luck next time. By the way, never ever ever go shopping with women when you have plans in the same day. Even if they say, 'I just have to grab one thing, and that's it.' Don't fall for it! Now you know."

Yet another dude, whose nickname is Popeye, answered this way:

"Cheer up, young man! As Bruce Dern said in a movie called 'Posse,' every day above ground is a good day. Sorry to hear that you had to suffer all that frustration and stress, but things like that don't kill us. They make us stronger. Hope you get those DT-10s real soon. Relax and eat a can of spinach. You'll feel better and stronger."

Piggy-backing on that previous remark, a fella added this comment:

"Listen to Popeye. Spinach will put some hair on your chest and make your forearms friggin' huge. Did you ever stop to think about why all women's dressing rooms have chairs outside of them? I like to call those the 'boyfriend chairs' because you'll almost always see some dude sitting in one looking like he'd rather be getting a root canal without any novocaine. Anytime you go shopping with a female, look for one of those chairs and immediately pull it up 'cause, chances are, you're gonna be there for a while."

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