Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Maybe I've Spent Too Much Time in the Sun

Some fishermen are lucky enough to dream about catching 10-, 15- or 20-pound bass. I, on the other hand, am reduced to dreaming about--you guessed it--none other than an old junkyard fish, in this case, a bowfin.

As I lay there in bed early this morning, I dreamed I had hooked this critter I couldn't budge from the shallow water where he had snatched my lure. I had no choice but to go get him.

The closer I got to this hitherto unseen critter, the clearer the water became. And it ultimately was no problem at all to see that the fish definitely was a big ol' bowfin, but my lure wasn't the only thing in its mouth. There also was what appeared to be the snap from an old-time stringer. As I looked closer, I could see the tell-tale cord attached to the snap.

I remember carefully leaning over the side of my boat and pulling the head of the fish up with my line, far enough to reach down with my long-nose pliers and remove my lure's hook, without having "junkyard" go into one of those thrashing episodes. I also remember it really puzzling me why the fish had been so docile, but I was more than a little content just knowing I had gotten my lure back without losing my hand in the process.

Once I had my lure free, I peered into the water again, watching to see what "junkyard" was going to do. At first, he just lay there, but then he turned and started swimming lazily toward deeper water. And, at this point, I couldn't believe my eyes, because there was all kinds of junk tied to the other snaps on this extra long stringer in his mouth.

Among the more notable items I witnessed gliding along the bottom behind him were some beat-up cooking utensils and an old, rusty muffler, complete with the tailpipe still attached to it, no less.

As I awoke, remembering what I just had dreamed, I couldn't help chuckling to myself. But that was before I realized maybe I just had received a premonition of something real yet to come. I sure hope that's not the case. And, too, I'm left pondering why I ever would have dreamed such a dream in the first place. The only thing I could think of is that I've perhaps spent a little too much time in the sun.

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