Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Ol' Friend Scores a New Personal Best

Heard from Ron Ameika (right) last night after a very long dry spell. Said he rarely fishes fresh water anymore, but now that striper season is over, and the speckled trout and redfish are scarce, had decided to get back into a little bass fishing.

Ron went on to explain that he's caught some crappie, chain pickerel, and a 2-lb. bass in the last couple of weeks...even had to break some ice last week but still managed to catch a few.

Yesterday, though, he really hit the jackpot.

"Shattered my old 7 lb. 2 oz. PB with a 9 lb. 9 oz. "bruiser," he said. And, what did he catch it on? None other than his favorite XTS Minnow...wonder how I might have guessed that would be the bait? He literally always wears fish out with that thing. Can't say I blame him. After all, that's what anglers are supposed to do when they find something that really works for them.

In his own words, Ron summed up his record-shattering day like this: "Needless to say, I was very, very happy! Ten years Yak fishing has paid off!"...And how!!!

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