Sunday, November 26, 2023

Been Down to the Pungo Ferry Launch Ramp Lately?

If not, you might like to know about what you see happening in the accompanying photo. These floating blocks have been at the mercy of the wind for about three weeks now. As anyone who uses this ramp knows, these blocks are designed to restrict entry into the area a short distance beyond the walkway on the right. 

My friend Skip was down there this past Wednesday and witnessed a policeman from the marine division taking pictures of the runaway blocks. It would appear, however, that fixing this problem isn't very high on the authority's "to do" list. Therefore, I would encourage anyone using this ramp to exercise due caution.


As of yesterday (11/30/2023), the city's Public Works crew had pulled this whole mess out of the water and stowed it on one of the grassy areas at Pungo Ferry.

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